Friday, February 4, 2011

The "Honeymoon Period"

HONEYMOON: (hŭn'ē-mūn')
  1. A holiday or trip taken by a newly married couple.
  2. An early harmonious period in a relationship: The honeymoon between the new President and the press was soon over.
I’ve been thinking about the so-called “Honeymoon Period” lately. Two particular experiences prompted my thoughts. 
The First Experience: Upon sparking friendly/tipsy conversation with very nice snowboarders at a restaurant in Collingwood, our friends told the nice snowboarders that Matt and I had just gotten married. I got that same “yay” feeling that I always feel when I think that we are married (and, yes, “yay” is the only fitting word I can think of to describe this feeling). They seemed to share the “yay” feeling and congratulated us.  However, when they found out we were married “way back” in July, they didn’t seem so excited. Hmmm. That was the first experience.
The Second Experience: This experience was shared with none other than my husband.  While at a Spitfire game, we ran into an old classmate of his. I remembered him meeting at the Wedding Show at the Ciociaro Club during the first year when we were engaged. When Matt was trying to remember where I had met him while “re-introducing” me, I piped up “Oh, were you recently married?” knowing for certain that this was where I had met him. He replied, “no”. And so I said, “I think I remember meeting you at the Wedding Show” and Matt, also remembering this was indeed where I had met him, agreed.  He further explained that he and his wife had been married for two years. Two years and that’s not recent? Well, then. Later on, I joked to Matt how two years was pretty recent in my books. And Matt said that it wasn’t. In fact, he explained to me that “recently married” would mean something like two weeks ago.  And, of course, he also mentioned that we were not recently married either. WHAT? REALLY? Hmph. Well, I feel like we are.
So there you have it. The confession of the “not-so-newlybride-anymore-according-to-everyone-even-her-husband”. Since when does the Honeymoon Phase have to end so abruptly? It just doesn’t seem fair.
Well here’s what I say to that. As long as I have this “yay” feeling, I am right smack-dab in the middle of the Honeymoon Phase. And yes, I DID just get married and it WAS recent. I am still seeing fireworks, smelling rose petals and walking on cloud nine.  And most importantly of all, it doesn’t matter if it is yesterday’s news because it is MY news and it is still the Headline.